The new album, Table Scrapps, is available in digital
form on Amazon and iTunes. Stay tuned for the CafePress actual physical CD
that you can order and hold in your hand. This album has the three songs
that were played live in Seattle and were destined to go on the fourth
Shredd album.
I am very sad to announce that the Shredd family lost a
member with the recent passing of MC Stevie-Bob Lethal. MCSBL was
the drummer on the 2nd and 3rd albums, "668: The Neighbor of the
Beast" and "Nashville Drive-By." His death was
completely unexpected. He had just played a gig with another band
the night before his ticker gave out. He was the original Travis
Shredd website webmaster and a big fan of The Who (among other bands).
Read Mr. Shredd's memoriam on the main Travis Shredd site. 10/6/2010