Song Lyrics from

Nashville Drive-By


All lyrics were written by Travis Shredd.

Nashville Drive-By  (3:09)

Smoove Flava  (3:55)

The Merfdog Haiku (1:02)

Jiggy Crack Head (and I don't care)  (2:06)

(if you was) Half The Man (yo' mama says I am)  (3:50)

The B-Naz Haiku (3:06)

Cousin Clem Takes Heroin (3:23)

Ear Bleedin' Waltz (4:04)

The MC Stevie-Bob Lethal Haiku (0:48)

Tattletale (3:34)

Come On Back (so's I can kill you) (3:56)

The Tea-Böy Haiku (0:54)

Trailer Trash (4:13)

Prozac Princess (3:10)

The Tommy Hollywood Haiku (0:40)

Where We Goin'? (3:35)

Yo Travis, Please Represent (4:25)

The Travis Shredd Haiku (1:07)

See back of album booklet for band members and their instruments.

All songs by Travis Shredd © 1999 Shreddtoons (ACSAP)

Produced, engineered, mixed and mastered by Travis Shredd on a Radio Shack™ micro cassette recorder with a built-in mic, live, in one take from beginning to end in the rumpus room of Travis' double-wide. Really.

All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.

Cover design by Allen Freeman, layout by MC Stevie-Bob Lethal, Allen Freeman. Most photos by Allen Freeman, one by CZ Shredd, one by Frank Sandoval. The 2 non-band-members in the photos are CZ Shredd (with T-shirt) and Rick Stephens (the dazed-looking guy in the cowboy hat).