Celebrity Circle


"Weird" Al Yankovic



Al's band listens to Shredd CD's in the tour bus when they are on the road.  They are all big Shredd fans.  They are always disappointed when their tour schedule conflicts with our tour schedule! Al's favorite song off of the new CD is "Prozak Princess."

CZ, Al and Travis
Backstage at the Al show, February 24, 2000, 5th Ave. Theatre, Seattle.

The Gang

Some of the gang.
Steve Jay, Tea-Boy, Travis, MC Stevie, Mrs. Lethal, Jim West
and me peeking over Mr. Shredd's head.
Oh, yeah, there's Al in the background signing autographs!

Hot stuff!!
On the set of "All About The Pentiums"
North Hollywood, CA
June 30, 1999 

TS & Al
Evergreen State Fair, Monroe, WA
August 30, 1999

Al & TS
Al and Travis share a moment after the
"668" CD Release Party at the OK Hotel
March 14, 1997

Al & TS again
What's so funny, guys?
March 14, 1997