July 8, 2000


Rainbow Bar & Grill

"Dick Pierce"

Mike Ferguson bashing the drums for Dick Pierce
(As you Shredd fans may remember, Ferguson was the original drummer for the Shredd band.  He's on the Headbanger's Squaredance CD.)
I didn't get a good shot of the bass player for this combo, but he looked great with his shorts and raincoat!

Mr. Shredd up close.

Ok, so it was dark in there.  Perhaps we'll bring our own lights next time.
Anyway, here's Mr. Shredd shredding during Trailer Trash!

722 N.E. 45th St., Seattle, WA

The Burbanks got things started for us.  That helped fill the time while Diver Dan finished up a gig in Ballard and then shuffled over to the Rainbow for a second feature.

After The Burbanks finished warming up the crowd, we were treated to Dick Pierce, from Bristol, England, with a short punk set.  They played Freak Show, Frozen Semen, Trigger, Bliss, and Big Baby.  They got the crowd really going and ready for Travis Shredd and the Good Ol' Homeboys!


  • Travis Shredd

  • Tea-Böy

  • B-Naz

  • MC Stevie-Bob Lethal

  • Merfdog

  • Diver Dan

If you don't know what parts the band members play, then read your CD!

Set List

Come On Back
Half The Man
Smoove Flava
Diver Dan

Jiggy Crack Head

Nashville Drive-By
Rooster in the Henhouse
Cousin Clem
Trailer Trash

Thunderin' Bass

Prozac Princess
Quit Yo’ Whinin’
Whoa Tequila

Die (in a flaming car crash)
Fire In Her Eyes
(featuring "Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld")

Goin’ South

The Shredd family would like to especially thank Mr. Shredd's dad for attending this event!