Sept. 4, 2002


Central Saloon

Mr. Shredd and B-Naz pound out the ending to Goin' South.


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207  1st Ave. S., (Pioneer Square) Seattle, WA

This was a fun night.  Again, there was no steel guitar player, BUT the band welcomed back B-Naz in an amazing new orange suit!  The Böy's were very tight and had a great time and, consequently, the fans had a great time, too!

Our guys went on first, which meant everyone got in bed at a halfway decent time.  Following bands were Fingered and Substance.


  • Travis Shredd

  • Tea-Böy

  • B-Naz

  • MC Stevie-Bob Lethal

  • Merfdog

  • No pedal steel guitar - Dan was out of town : (

Set List

Opening prayer and blessing of the band by Rev. Blacky

I'm Like a Kenworth

Come On Back
Half The Man
Smooth Flavor
Diver Dan

Nashville Drive-By
Cousin Clem

Have Some Self-Esteem, You Pig

Whoa, Tequila

Jiggy Crack Head

Trailer Trash

Fire In Her Eyes
( with a medly of Fire, Enter Sandman, Beat It, Owner of a Lonely Heart, a DJ Scratch Extravaganza, Funky Town)

Goin' South